Monday, February 14, 2011

I think reading is....

I think reading is only important for educational and communication purposes only. Reading cannot entertain me as well as movies or television because it cannot keep my attention as easily. Their are many good novels but I have to set aside time to read them and I have to be determined to stick with it and not just stop when it gets boring. When in school, reading is a good thing because it helps us communicate information that we need to know. Reading is something we need because without reading their would not be the convience of text messaging. Reading is a Good thing to have but I would be entertained by other things rather than read a book.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Derk's Weekend Was Awesome!

This weekend was really good. On friday I came home to the brand new Macbook Air that I had oredered the previous week and I was very excited. A friend came over to witness the unboxing. It was a very nice computer. On Saturday I worked a 10 - 7 shift at the Pioneer Coop. I was pushing carts all day. It wasn't to bad because the weather was pretty nice most of the day. When I went home I was quite tired so I ate some supper, played on my new computaer, took my dog for a walk then went to bed. On sunday I woke up then hung out with a friend at my house. We decided to walk to 7-11 so I could buy an iTunes card. It was -13 out so by the time we got there we were freezing. We ate some Old Dutch Peppercorn Ranch chip's while I bought music on my new Macbook Air. The albums I bought were Avenged Sevenfold and City of Evil by Avenged Sevenfold, The Poison and Fever by Bullet for my Vallentine, and Lead Sails Paper Anchor by Atreyu. I also installed Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold because I had purchased the CD this summer. By the time I had bought all those albums my $50 iTunes card was used up so we listened to music while playing The new Nazi Zombies map on Call of Duty: Black Ops. He left my house around supper time so I watched the superbowl with my parents then went to bed.