Monday, February 7, 2011

Derk's Weekend Was Awesome!

This weekend was really good. On friday I came home to the brand new Macbook Air that I had oredered the previous week and I was very excited. A friend came over to witness the unboxing. It was a very nice computer. On Saturday I worked a 10 - 7 shift at the Pioneer Coop. I was pushing carts all day. It wasn't to bad because the weather was pretty nice most of the day. When I went home I was quite tired so I ate some supper, played on my new computaer, took my dog for a walk then went to bed. On sunday I woke up then hung out with a friend at my house. We decided to walk to 7-11 so I could buy an iTunes card. It was -13 out so by the time we got there we were freezing. We ate some Old Dutch Peppercorn Ranch chip's while I bought music on my new Macbook Air. The albums I bought were Avenged Sevenfold and City of Evil by Avenged Sevenfold, The Poison and Fever by Bullet for my Vallentine, and Lead Sails Paper Anchor by Atreyu. I also installed Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold because I had purchased the CD this summer. By the time I had bought all those albums my $50 iTunes card was used up so we listened to music while playing The new Nazi Zombies map on Call of Duty: Black Ops. He left my house around supper time so I watched the superbowl with my parents then went to bed. 

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