Monday, June 20, 2011

Good ol' Room 139

As I reflect back on this past semester I have to say that this is the most fun that I have ever had in an english class to date. I really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere in this class. The highlight of my year was definately the sharing circles. It was a unique experience and very fun. It was enjoyable hearing eveyones funny stories about their weekend/week. Another thin I really enjoyed was when we went down to the FLARE program to hang out with the autistic kids. It was very interesting learning about how they must stick to a daily routine and if anything prevents them form staying with that routine they become very upset.

Monday, May 9, 2011

FLARE program

I think our time at the FLARE program was interesting because I learned a lot about the needs of autistic people. I learned how the smallest change in their schedule can upset them because they need a routine to make sense of things. I learned that they are actually very intelligent but most people don't realize that because they never get to know them well. I learned that when they get uncomfortable they start "stimming" which can vary from rocking to groaning but usually it can be solved by some form of pressure. Overall I would say it was a very good experience.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

10 Qualities that help/allow someone to overcome challenges they face

1. Courage
2. Strength
3. Desire
4. Bravery
5. Willingness
6. Hard Work
7. Fearless
8. Independent
9. Diligent
10. Ambitious

Monday, March 28, 2011

top 5 best and worst decisions i have ever made

1. Joining FUTBAWL!
2. Quit xbox for life except when portal 2 comes out
3. Don't do drugs
4. Studying for stuff
5. Eating health nuttish and working out erryday

1. Spending money on junkfood
2. Not studying for stuff sometimes
3. buying an xbox
4. buying big red shoes
5. working aat teh coop

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


What do you think the is the main issue facing this girl? What lyrics provide evidence for this?
The daughter has a learning disability. "The, mother reads aloud, child, tries to understand it."
What makes you embarrassed? What do you do to cope?
I can't think of anything
Find 2 celebrities/famous people who live with a learning disability. Research them and asnwer the following questions.
1. Albert Einstein
a) what do they suffer from?
b) what are they famous for?
Being a physicist
c) what are the symptoms of their disability?
He could not talk until the age of four. He did not learn to read until he was nine. His teachers considered him slow, unsociable and a dreamer. He failed the entrance examinations to college but finally passed the after an additional year of preparation. He lost three teaching positions and then became a paten clerk.
d) provide a picture of them

2. Jay Leno
a) what do they suffer from?
b) what are they famous for?
c) what are the symptoms of their disability?
A mild dyslexic, he did not do very well in school getting mainly C’s and D’s.
d) provide a picture of them

Monday, March 21, 2011

10 things I should have learned in life by now

1. 90% of people in swift current are terrible drivers
2. Don't finish major projects at midnight before they are due because it affects your mark drastically
3. Don't take Foods 10 because the teacher sucks
4. Don't blow all your paychecks so at the end of the year when you see you made $9000, you aren't sad because you have barely any money and you realize if you had saved it you could have boughten a 2011 mustang GT :(
5. Any and all video games are a complete waste of time
6. Work out erryday so your jacked for football
7. Meat is disgusting
8. Don't tip resort employees $30 for renting you scuba gear
9. Try harder in school if I want to get into an engineering program at UBC
10. Just because there is a starbucks on every corner, it doesn't mean you have to go to every third one.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I think reading is....

I think reading is only important for educational and communication purposes only. Reading cannot entertain me as well as movies or television because it cannot keep my attention as easily. Their are many good novels but I have to set aside time to read them and I have to be determined to stick with it and not just stop when it gets boring. When in school, reading is a good thing because it helps us communicate information that we need to know. Reading is something we need because without reading their would not be the convience of text messaging. Reading is a Good thing to have but I would be entertained by other things rather than read a book.