Monday, March 21, 2011

10 things I should have learned in life by now

1. 90% of people in swift current are terrible drivers
2. Don't finish major projects at midnight before they are due because it affects your mark drastically
3. Don't take Foods 10 because the teacher sucks
4. Don't blow all your paychecks so at the end of the year when you see you made $9000, you aren't sad because you have barely any money and you realize if you had saved it you could have boughten a 2011 mustang GT :(
5. Any and all video games are a complete waste of time
6. Work out erryday so your jacked for football
7. Meat is disgusting
8. Don't tip resort employees $30 for renting you scuba gear
9. Try harder in school if I want to get into an engineering program at UBC
10. Just because there is a starbucks on every corner, it doesn't mean you have to go to every third one.

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