Tuesday, March 22, 2011


What do you think the is the main issue facing this girl? What lyrics provide evidence for this?
The daughter has a learning disability. "The, mother reads aloud, child, tries to understand it."
What makes you embarrassed? What do you do to cope?
I can't think of anything
Find 2 celebrities/famous people who live with a learning disability. Research them and asnwer the following questions.
1. Albert Einstein
a) what do they suffer from?
b) what are they famous for?
Being a physicist
c) what are the symptoms of their disability?
He could not talk until the age of four. He did not learn to read until he was nine. His teachers considered him slow, unsociable and a dreamer. He failed the entrance examinations to college but finally passed the after an additional year of preparation. He lost three teaching positions and then became a paten clerk.
d) provide a picture of them

2. Jay Leno
a) what do they suffer from?
b) what are they famous for?
c) what are the symptoms of their disability?
A mild dyslexic, he did not do very well in school getting mainly C’s and D’s.
d) provide a picture of them

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